Search For australia In Quotes 77

It is a matter of public shame that while we have now commemorated our hundredth anniversary not one in every ten children attending Public schools throughout the colonies is acquainted with a single historical fact about Australia.

And currently there are four to five new works in the pipeline for upcoming celebrations such as the Sydney 2000 Olympics Australian Federation my 50th Birthday and Sydney Dance Company's 25th Anniversary.

I did not want to put myself on the line as an Australian playing Britain's greatest comic actor. The fans of Sellers are obsessive possessive - and aggressive. I did not want to risk their anger - or my own reputation.

Receiving the Newcombe Medal for a third year in a row is an amazing honour. The Newcombe Medal is a great occasion for the Australian tennis community to come together and celebrate our sport recognise people's achievements and contributions to Australian tennis.

Hollywood is the place to be for actors - and there's just a big rush when an Australian comes over just because there's less of them. I guess that's just how it is. Like if you pick a pink jellybean out of a jar of green ones it'd be amazing but if you pick a green one no one will care.

If government and media and all of us in the Australian tribe got together and the rock industry we'd just be the greatest cultural force the world has ever seen - we're such an amazing race.

By 2050 the Australian population is expected to grow from 22 million to 36 million. That increase alone will put huge pressure on our towns and our cities. We will need more homes more roads more rail lines more hospitals more schools just to accommodate so many Australians.