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I mean enormous pressure was brought to bear - Valerie Amos Lady Amos went round Africa with people from our intelligence services trying to press them. I had to make sure that we didn't promise a misuse of aid in a way that would be illegal.

I'd like to one day be featured on a list of inspirational people who have made a difference in the world whether it be helping underprivileged people or putting an end to the poaching of wildlife in Africa.

I love Bono. I really respect what he has done for Africa and how he has used his fame to do good in the world. I hope I can do half as much in my life.

Take for example the African jungle the home of the cheetah. On whom does the cheetah prey? The old the sick the wounded the weak the very young but never the strong. Lesson: If you would not be prey you had better be strong.

Being from Africa is the best thing that could have ever ever happened to me. I cannot see it any other way. All of my fundamental principles that were instilled in me in my home from my childhood are still with me.

Sub-Saharan Africa is also home to 400 million of the world's poorest people.

Africa for the Africans... at home and abroad!

Let me tell you never before in the history of this planet has anybody made the progress that African-Americans have made in a 30-year period in spite of many black folks and white folks lying to one another.

We have our own history our own language our own culture. But our destiny is also tied up with the destinies of other people - history has made us all South Africans.

My father and I made genetics history. We were the first African-Americans and the first father and son anywhere to have their genomes sequenced.