Search For afford In Quotes 158

All Americans should have access to quality affordable health care.

America enjoys the best health care in the world but the best is no good if folks can't afford it access it and doctor's can't provide it.

And in terms of their crown jewel legislative achievement: who knew that when asked 'will government impose a new federal mandate requiring middle class Americans to buy health insurance whether they can afford it or not?' The answer would be 'Yes we can!'

I do see women voters shifting to the Republican Party and doing so significantly. And the issue that's doing this is the fear the federal government will prevail in making the Affordable Health Care Act permanent law and how that will hurt small businesses.

My top three priorities for my first term in Congress are growing our economy providing for quality affordable health care and keeping our nation and communities safe.

I don't think it should be a surprise when we're talking about energy and trying to have more home-grown energy be less reliant on foreign oil when you look at our health care that we're trying to get more affordable health care that these are going to create major debates in this country and be somewhat polarizing.

I believe we can incentivize more affordable health care in general by better regulating insurance and creating meaningful competition for health care services.

We must take action now by permitting re-importation to ensure that health care and prescription drugs remain accessible and affordable for everyone.

The American economy has always been driven by the entrepreneurial nature of its citizens and blocking access to affordable health care will only suffocate growth within the small business sector of our economy.

By giving every American access to quality affordable health care they will create a more competitive a stronger and more secure America!