Search For achievement In Quotes 113

Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.

The failure of women to produce genius of the first rank in most of the supreme forms of human effort has been used to block the way of all women of talent and ambition for intellectual achievement.

But all actors go through the process it's hit and miss you have achievement and failure.

Every great work every big accomplishment has been brought into manifestation through holding to the vision and often just before the big achievement comes apparent failure and discouragement.

Failures are finger posts on the road to achievement.

Humanistic values of equality and equal rights for all nations and individuals as crystallized in the principles of the United Nations Charter are mankind's great achievements in the 20th century.

Scotland is my country the nation that shaped me that taught me my values. A nation whose achievements inspired and inspire me a community whose failings drive me - drive my overwhelming desire to fight for social justice and equality.

The American economic political and social organization has given to its citizens the benefits of material prosperity political liberty and a wholesome natural equality and this achievement is a gain not only to Americans but to the world and to civilization.

Take your message of equality of achievement take your message of economic dependency take your message of enslaving the entrepreneurial will and spirit of the American people somewhere else.

We all recognize that in recent decades many important achievements have helped create a cleaner healthier environment yet our national needs in environmental health are not being fully met.