Search For govern In Quotes 1413

We need transparency in government spending. We need to put each government expenditure online so every Floridian can see where their tax money is being spent.

We should reject big government and look inside ourselves for all the things that built this country into what it was.

Many people consider the things government does for them to be social progress but they regard the things government does for others as socialism.

Honesty integrity and accountability the values which should be the hallmark of this government have instead been thrown under the bus by an arrogant majority casualties in a misguided campaign to shield from accountability those who abuse this House.

I cannot consent that my mortal body shall be laid in a repository prepared for an Emperor or a King my republican feelings and principles forbid it the simplicity of our system of government forbids it.

Our goal is to shrink government to the size where we can drown it in a bathtub.

Everything government touches turns to crap.

Indiscriminate firing by police on people is absolute barbarism. Instead of solving their problems the government is trying to suppress the people by force.

A government for the people must depend for its success on the intelligence the morality the justice and the interest of the people themselves.

The Government of the absolute majority instead of the Government of the people is but the Government of the strongest interests and when not efficiently checked it is the most tyrannical and oppressive that can be devised.