Search For elves In Quotes 892

I have no business being a journalist. I'm the least I'm the least - I'm the most trusting I absolutely make a habit of believing anything that anybody tells me about themselves. I've never had any reason in the world to think that anyone has wanted to harm me or lie to me. I believe whatever is being sold most of the time.

Our business in life is not to get ahead of others but to get ahead of ourselves.

I think people are used to seeing actors be wide open and desperately giving of themselves and while I do that on a movie set as much as I can it's so unnatural for me to do it on television in interviews in anything like that. I also don't find that my process as an actor is really anyone else's business.

Teenage girls these days are more and more getting lured into thinking they should dumb themselves down and that's going to attract the wrong kind of guy and it's serious. It's serious business.

Perhaps the most effective way to describe the approach a brand must take is to think of themselves as social cartographers. By that I mean that brands must simultaneously inspire engage and maintain a series of conversations taking place within certain cultural landscape specific to their business goal.

Not since the digital revolution in the early '90s has technology placed such a comprehensive burden on business employees and individuals to reinvent their business plans services and products and themselves to keep pace with the changing marketplace.

My business is to teach my aspirations to confirm themselves to fact not to try and make facts harmonize with my aspirations.

Employers and business leaders need people who can think for themselves - who can take initiative and be the solution to problems.

When from our better selves we have too long been parted by the hurrying world and droop. Sick of its business of its pleasures tired how gracious how benign is solitude.

Economic depression cannot be cured by legislative action or executive pronouncement. Economic wounds must be healed by the action of the cells of the economic body - the producers and consumers themselves.