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You will attract the younger generation and they might well prove tougher than the older generation. What we are trying to do is to look at the future and see what we can do to bring some stability back to people's lives.

Future generations are not going to ask us what political party were you in. They are going to ask what did you do about it when you knew the glaciers were melting.

Therefore I am sure that this my Coronation is not the symbol of a power and a splendor that are gone but a declaration of our hopes for the future and for the years I may by God's Grace and Mercy be given to reign and serve you as your Queen.

In Iroquois society leaders are encouraged to remember seven generations in the past and consider seven generations in the future when making decisions that affect the people.

AARP knows the future is bright for a generation that's going to remain healthy and vital for 10 20 30 40 more years. AARP has the information and resources people need throughout their process of reinvention.

Rather than waiting for future trials to determine rules that will impact every citizen Congress should step in and write a law that takes every American's rights into consideration.

The future author is one who discovers that language the exploration and manipulation of the resources of language will serve him in winning through to his way.

The most important thing about global warming is this. Whether humans are responsible for the bulk of climate change is going to be left to the scientists but it's all of our responsibility to leave this planet in better shape for the future generations than we found it.

I plant a lot of trees. I am a great believer in planting things for future generations. I loathe the now culture where you just live for today.

The Freudian theory is one of the most important foundation stones for an edifice to be built by future generations the dwelling of a freer and wiser humanity.

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It is for us to pray not for tasks equal to our powers but for powers equal to our tasks to go forward with a great desire forever beating at the door of our hearts as we travel toward our distant goal.