Search For elves In Quotes 892

Elves are cool man.

What's happened with society is that we have created these devices computers which already can register and process huge amounts of information which is a significant fraction of the amount of information that human beings themselves as a species can process.

Computers themselves and software yet to be developed will revolutionize the way we learn.

The first reason for the preponderant influence of those Evangelicals who define themselves as advocates of Religious Right theological and political ideologies is that they have both the financial means and technological know-how to make widespread use of modern electronic forms of communication.

There are two barriers that often prevent communication between the young and their elders. The first is middle-aged forgetfulness of the fact that they themselves are no longer young. The second is youthful ignorance of the fact that the middle aged are still alive.

Much can and must be done by governments but they cannot of themselves change lives.

Doubt is an uneasy and dissatisfied state from which we struggle to free ourselves and pass into the state of belief while the latter is a calm and satisfactory state which we do not wish to avoid or to change to a belief in anything else.

The world will change for the better when people decide they are sick and tired of being sick and tired of the way the world is and decide to change themselves.

Sureness is something like a neck brace which we clamp around our lives hoping to somehow protect ourselves from the frightening constant whiplash of change. Sadly the brace doesn't always hold.

Unless there is meaningful change in Syria and an end to the crackdown President Assad and those around him will find themselves isolated internationally and discredited within Syria.