Search For techno In Quotes 870

My graduate studies were carried out at the California Institute of Technology.

I received my undergraduate degree in engineering in 1939 and a Master of Science degree in mathematical physics in 1941 at Steven Institute of Technology.

Everyone has a right to a university degree in America even if it's in Hamburger Technology.

What the world needs is a small compact flexible fusion technology that could make electricity where and when it is needed. The existing fusion program is leading to a huge source of centralized power at a price that nobody except a government can afford.

I don't believe that government is good at picking technology particularly technology that is changing. By the time you get it done and go through democracy it's so outdated.

Technology is a gift of God. After the gift of life it is perhaps the greatest of God's gifts. It is the mother of civilizations of arts and of sciences.

I hope that we can continue this cooperation on other critical issues related to America's future technological competitiveness. We must work together to encourage the creative talents that have made our country the world leader in technology.

I want to do very useful buildings and I would like to find a method of producing these buildings through our technology because I think that this is the only way that we will gain wonderful environment easily in the future.

It is the child's understanding that teaches the adults the way of the future. They're still doing it today with modern technology.

In fact when you combine stem cell technology with the technology known as tissue engineering you can actually grow up entire organs so as you suggest that sometime in the future you get in an auto accident and lose your kidney we'd simply take a few skin cells and grow you up a new kidney. In fact this has already been done.

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There are few things in politics more annoying than the Right's utter conviction that it owns the patent on the word 'freedom' that when its leaders stand up for the rights of banks to be unregulated or capital gains to be untaxed that it is actually and obviously standing up for human liberty the noblest cause of them all.