If technology has finally caught up with individual liberty why would anyone who loves freedom want to rethink that?
Personal technology has given us the freedom of being able to do whatever we want - and in the case of celebrities and athletes whomever they want. But it can also serve as a humiliation jetpack.
We can have technology prosperity nice homes and cars but at the same time we must be conscious of what we are dumping into the water the air and our food.
We are already producing enough food to feed the world. We already have technology in place that allows us to produce more than we can find a market for.
I know what I don't know. To this day I don't know technology and I don't know finance or accounting.
For any new technology there is always controversy and there always some fear associated with it. I think that's just the price of being first sometimes.
There's a connection between the advances that are made in technology and the sense of primitive fear people develop in response to it.
Change creates fear and technology creates change. Sadly most people don't behave very well when they are afraid.
Thus after finishing high school I started with high expectations and enthusiasm to study chemistry at the famous Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich.
The age of innocent faith in science and technology may be over.