And so at the age of thirty I had successively disgraced myself with three fine institutions each of which had made me free of its full and rich resources had trained me with skill and patience and had shown me nothing but forbearance and charity when I failed in trust.
I'm not really easy to live with! There needs to be unlimited patience and unconditional love. Men I've known before loved my independent spirit and were proud of my success to the point that they'd become jealous of the time I devote to my career.
Luck is a component that a lot of people in the arts sometimes fail to recognise: that you can have talent perseverance patience but without luck you will not have a successful career.
How many a man has thrown up his hands at a time when a little more effort a little more patience would have achieved success.
Patience persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success.
The number of stressors has multiplied exponentially: traffic money success work/life balance the economy the environment parenting family conflict relationships disease. As the nature of human life has become far more complicated our ancient stress response hasn't been able to keep up.
Fathers and mothers have lost the idea that the highest aspiration they might have for their children is for them to be wise... specialized competence and success are all that they can imagine.
Success for me its to raise happy healthy human beings.
At the end of the day the most overwhelming key to a child's success is the positive involvement of parents.
The historic ascent of humanity taken as a whole may be summarized as a succession of victories of consciousness over blind forces - in nature in society in man himself.