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The style of God venerated in the church mosque or synagogue seems completely different from the style of the natural universe.

The chief difference between words and deeds is that words are always intended for men for their approbation but deeds can be done only for God.

For me the goddess is the female of God She is powerful if different.

Marriage has a unique place because it speaks of an absolute faithfulness a covenant between radically different persons male and female and so it echoes the absolute covenant of God with his chosen a covenant between radically different partners.

A universe with a God would look quite different from a universe without one. A physics a biology where there is a God is bound to look different. So the most basic claims of religion are scientific. Religion is a scientific theory.

As different streams having different sources all mingle their waters in the sea so different tendencies various though they appear crooked or straight all lead to God.

The most important lesson that I have learned is to trust God in every circumstance. Lots of times we go through different trials and following God's plan seems like it doesn't make any sense at all. God is always in control and he will never leave us.

And I will do everything that I can as long as I am President of the United States to remind the American people that we are one nation under God and we may call that God different names but we remain one nation.

Somebody informed me recently that the key to every art from writing to gardening to sculpture is creativity. I beg to differ.

To be a member of the Labor Party is to be an optimist - optimistic about the future of Australia optimistic about the ability of government to make a difference.

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I am President of the UN created University for Peace which has a strong commitment to the relationship between peace security and the environment. I meet with young people around the world and I always come away enthused and encouraged.