Now workers should have the right to join unions. But unions should not be forced upon workers. And unions should not have the power to take money our of their members' paychecks to buy the support of politicians that are favored by the union bosses.
I'm tired of hearing about money money money money money. I just want to play the game drink Pepsi wear Reebok.
You may never get to that perfect world that you're waiting for where everything's going to be perfect and you got that much money and your house paid off.
Money cannot buy peace of mind. It cannot heal ruptured relationships or build meaning into a life that has none.
I don't believe we are supposed to go through life defeated and not having enough money to pay our bills or send our kids to college.
In liberal logic if life is unfair then the answer is to turn more tax money over to politicians to spend in ways that will increase their chances of getting reelected.
I've never preached one sermon on money on just finances. I want to stay away from it.
I know that campaigns can seem small and even silly. Trivial things become big distractions. Serious issues become sound bites. And the truth gets buried under an avalanche of money and advertising. If you're sick of hearing me approve this message believe me - so am I.
Money is like an arm or leg - use it or lose it.
When it is a question of money everybody is of the same religion.