Within thirty years we will have the technological means to create superhuman intelligence.
The 'Robben Island Bible' has arrived at the British Museum. It's a garish thing its cover plastered with pink and gold Hindu images designed to hide its contents. Within is the finest collection of words generated by human intelligence: the complete works of William Shakespeare.
Despite our very recent appearance on the planet humanity combines arrogance with increasing material demands even as we become more numerous. Our toughness is a delusion. Have we the intelligence and discipline to vigilantly guard against our tendency to grow without limit?
During the Cold War we gathered information by listening to the Soviets taking pictures of the Soviets and we allowed our human intelligence to decline.
We need to make a greater investment in human intelligence.
I do not want to go into its physical reasons: the construction of the human body is different from that of carnivorous animals. But man's intelligence is such that it can be utilised to defend any-thing he does whether right or wrong.
I strongly support the call to greatly expand our human intelligence capability to penetrate al Qaeda and gather critical intelligence to prevent terrorist attacks on our homeland.
I absolutely don't think a sentient artificial intelligence is going to wage war against the human species.
The right of each individual in any relation to secure to himself the full benefits of his intelligence his capacity his industry and skill are among the inalienable inheritances of humanity.
Perhaps measuring animal intelligence by comparing it to human intelligence isn't the best litmus test.