Search For weird In Quotes 144

People really do make the assumption that I had some weirdo Hollywood upbringing but my parents are incredibly down-to-earth people who worked really hard to raise us in a way that was health.

I like to do weird things in the shower like drink my coffee brush my teeth and drink a smoothie. It's good time management.

A film that I love is 'Raising Arizona' and that's funny but it's quite indie and weird and odd and quirky. I'd love to do something like that. Who knows?

I was not particularly bright I wasn't very athletic I was a little too tall odd funny looking I was just really weird as a kid.

I love weird or funny or beautiful sentences Joy Williams could write a microwave-oven manual and I'm sure I'd love it because the sentences would be tuned up like music.

I started writing when I was 9 years old. I was like this weird kid who would just stay in my room typing little funny magazines and drawing comic strips.

The key is just to ignore the pain because physical comedy only works if you see someone get hurt and they aren't actually hurt. If someone gets hit in the face with a bat falls down and gets back up it's funny. If they stay down and their jaw is wired shut in the next scene it's really tragic and weird. You have to pretend it doesn't hurt.

I love funny people and when I'm with funny people or people who are amusing in their weirdness I love it. Because that to me is funny as opposed to someone who stops and says 'Hey let me tell you a joke.'

I actually think of being funny as an odd turn of mind like a mild disability some weird way of looking at the world that you can't get rid of.

The people I grew up around who I really liked were quick on the draw. It always just wowed me. And my mum would make weird funny comments. I can see in myself her self-deprecating hippie humour. I can't take myself too seriously.

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Our goals for this nation must be nothing less than to double the size of our economy and bring prosperity and jobs ownership and equality of opportunity to all Americans especially those living in our nation's pockets of poverty.