Search For visit In Quotes 103

Blade Runner appears regularly two or three times a year in various shapes and forms of science fiction. It set the pace for what is essentially urban science fiction urban future and it's why I've never re-visited that area because I feel I've done it.

After the Berlin Wall came down I visited that city and I will never forget it. The abandoned checkpoints. The sense of excitement about the future. The knowledge that a great continent was coming together. Healing those wounds of our history is the central story of the European Union.

Friendship increases in visiting friends but in visiting them seldom.

People should have freedom in their pilgrimages and tours. They should come and visit historical monuments and sites - let's say the sites around Iran - where they can easily engage in wide- scale contacts with others.

When it comes to Chinese food I have always operated under the policy that the less known about the preparation the better. A wise diner who is invited to visit the kitchen replies by saying as politely as possible that he has a pressing engagement elsewhere.

In this life struggle here I am among you fully cognizant that a true believer has no fear of what God has ordained for him. Those who are visited by fear live only for their present under the illusion that the world began with them and will end with their departure.

Our family was too strange and weird for even Santa Claus to come visit... Santa who was jolly - but let's face it he was also very judgmental.

When you go visiting countries you start reading the history of the place and you start getting into the culture and then you have to leave. In my experience all countries have hidden treasures.

Well my view before was a Western view and I certainly understand marriage equality and civil rights equal rights for all but having visited developing nations and some of the poorest nations in the world I realize how deep it goes and how much work really needs to be done to create equality for all.

But I like going to church. If you've been brought up in the Church of England it feels like visiting an elderly relative. And I think it's important that part of the kids' education is knowing about the Bible.