Search For twice In Quotes 77

So if I have two pieces of cake do I have twice as good an experience as the first piece of cake? One of the things I've found in life is that the first piece of cake is the best.

The sky is the limit. You never have the same experience twice.

You take the healthiest diet in the world if you gave those people vitamins they would be twice as healthy. So vitamins are valuable.

If you eat a lot of starchy foods introduce a vegetable once a week then twice a week and then three times a week. Slowly fill your diet with new flavors. By the time you're ready to let go of whatever it is you want to let go of you've got a full menu.

I would think twice about designing stuff for which there was no need and which didn't endure.

You only live twice. Once when you are born and once when you look death in the face.

Now I meditate twice a day for half an hour. In meditation I can let go of everything. I'm not Hugh Jackman. I'm not a dad. I'm not a husband. I'm just dipping into that powerful source that creates everything. I take a little bath in it.

If it was just me and Elvis one on one which only happened once or twice in the times that I did see him it was a really comfortable. He was a cool guy. Easy laugh nice guy.

I'm not saying I look cool but every single time I go onstage it is a fail if I don't feel like I'm going to pass out at least twice.

I've never had Internet access. Actually I have looked at things on other people's computers as a bystander. A few times in my life I've opened email accounts twice actually but it's something I don't want in my life right now.