Search For tense In Quotes 87

My experience with both my parents is that grief has a lot of down sad things but I was also really emotionally raw in the first year after each of them passed. Flowers smelled more intensely my relationships were hotter and I was more willing to risk. I was going for it a lot more. I was 'unsober' and I wasn't playing by my rules.

When a novel has 200 000 words then it is possible for the reader to experience 200 000 delights and to turn back to the first page of the book and experience them all over again perhaps more intensely.

For me I'd rather have an intense experience than not.

The problem was to sustain at any cost the feeling you had in the theater that you were watching a real person yes but an intense condensation of his experience not simply a realistic series of episodes.

Color is an intense experience on its own.

A woman's life can really be a succession of lives each revolving around some emotionally compelling situation or challenge and each marked off by some intense experience.

Political Freedom without economic equality is a pretense a fraud a lie and the workers want no lying.

Loved. You can't use it in the past tense. Death does not stop that love at all.

When I did 'Bumble-ardy ' I was so intensely aware of death. Eugene my friend and partner was dying here in the house when I did 'Bumble-ardy'. I did 'Bumble-ardy' to save myself. I did not want to die with him. I wanted to live as any human being does.

From my first dunk at 14 years old to my second NCAA Championship at the University of Tennessee my intense training with my dad was always to credit.