Search For tarts In Quotes 83

When we play 'Angel of Death' it's actually a 2 and half minutes sing 'til our party starts. That song is pretty much been played traditionally in the end.

I try not to name too many labels - not because it's not cool but because it starts getting political.

When you have kids you just love them. It's similar to when you're in love with someone. You just think they are so cool and want to be around them all the time but what if she starts being embarrassed and only giving me charity visits? I want her to actually want to see me so that's what I'm going for!

It's cool when your husband starts to sing some old Merle Haggard song and I can pop in with a harmony and it doesn't sound too bad.

I'm a mirror. If you're cool with me I'm cool with you and the exchange starts. What you see is what you reflect. If you don't like what you see then you've done something. If I'm standoffish that's because you are.

Diaspora starts about a thousand years from now. Most of human civilisation has moved inside computers essentially a major branch of our descendants consists of conscious software.

I cannot stand the people who get wonderful starts in show business and who abuse it. Lindsay Lohan and Charlie Sheen for example although there are plenty of others too. They are the most blessed people in the world and they don't appreciate it.

I tend to foster drama via bleakness. If I want the reader to feel sympathy for a character I cleave the character in half on his birthday. And then it starts raining. And he's made of sugar.

What I love best in life is new starts.

I live by the philosophy that beauty starts from within and I make a conscious effort to fill my body with nutrients through the food I eat.