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Right around the end of the fifties college students and young people in general began to realize that this music was almost like a history of our country - this music contained the real history of the people of this country.

Do we talk about the dignity of work? Do we give our students any reason for believing it is worthwhile to sacrifice for their work because such sacrifices improve the psychological and mental health of the person who makes them?

It is not only my laboratory and my place of work but also my home so that on the 30th October I was able to share my happiness immediately with my students and collaborators and at the same time with my wife and family.

I tell students that even if they don't like math right now they can use math as a brain-sharpening tool - a tool that not only builds the foundation for a great career but that also builds self-confidence no matter what they choose to do with their lives.

The economy in the Valley will need to grow if students want to come back and work with their specialized degrees. We need to develop more to create more opportunities.

I teach one semester a year and this year I'm just teaching one course during that semester a writing workshop for older students in their late 20s and early 30s people in our graduate program who are already working on a manuscript and trying to bring it to completion.

A graduation ceremony is an event where the commencement speaker tells thousands of students dressed in identical caps and gowns that 'individuality' is the key to success.

The universities have got a job here as well in making sure that people actually understand that we're open for university students coming into the U.K. There's a job here not just for the government I think there's a job for the universities as well to make sure that people know that we are open.

It is practically impossible to teach good programming to students that have had a prior exposure to BASIC: as potential programmers they are mentally mutilated beyond hope of regeneration.

I don't think I was funny until college. I lived with some Harvard MD/PhD students - they were so smart and what I contributed to the house was I was the funny one.

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And I think what people in New Jersey have gotten to know about me over the last decade that I've been in public life is what you see is what you get. And I'm no different when I'm sitting with you than I am when I'm at home or anyplace else.