Search For standing In Quotes 380

When men take pleasure in feeling their minds elevated with strong drink and so indulge their appetite as to disorder their understandings neglect their duty as members of a family or civil society and cast off all regard to religion their case is much to be pitied.

There are several reasons why Russians view the oppressive state positively. First in the Russian Orthodox religion there is an understanding of authority as something sent by God.

Shelley is truth itself and honour itself notwithstanding his out-of-the-way notions about religion.

Every week I get letters from people worldwide who feel that the possibilian point of view represents their understanding better than either religion or neo-atheism.

Do not imagine that what we have said of the insufficiency of our understanding and of its limited extent is an assertion founded only on the Bible: for philosophers likewise assert the same and perfectly understand it - without having regard to any religion or opinion.

I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world.

We have to understand how the extremists got the way they are. Without that kind of understanding we'd never really get to know them. I put in nothing about their childhoods. But what I have put in is stuff about the weird symbiotic relationship between us and them.

There's been a long-standing relationship between me and individual members of the Green Party.

Well I've had a long standing relationship with Gatorade and they've been very very good to me. And I believe in their products I really do. I've used them for many many years.

I think if you're in a committed relationship unless you have some sort of an understanding monogamy is something that should exist.