Search For sometime In Quotes 708

Sometimes we need to remind ourselves that thankfulness is indeed a virtue.

Sometimes our light goes out but is blown into flame by another human being. Each of us owes deepest thanks to those who have rekindled this light.

I mean I'm pretty good in real life but sometimes people seem surprised that I'm like a normal teenager and wear black nail polish and I'm just a little bit more edgy than the person I play on television.

You've got to grow up sometime.

Content and technology are strange bed fellows. We are joined together. Sometimes we misunderstand each other. But isn't that after all the definition of marriage?

Advancements in technology have become so commonplace that sometimes we forget to stop and think about how incredible it is that a girl on her laptop in Texas can see photos and cell phone video in real time that a young college student has posted of a rally he's at in Iran.

Technology has allowed us to have more drought-resistant crops. The spotty nature of drought the spotty nature of rains can sometimes result in better yields than anticipated.

Sometimes I'm dazzled by how modern and fabulous we are and how easy everything can be for us that's the gilded glow of technology and I marvel at it all the time.

My painting teacher in high school used to say 'I can't paint like I want to but through practice I'll get better.' But I don't think that's true. I think sometimes you just can't paint.

As a teacher myself I've been in situations where parents come at you and sometimes parents come across like the teacher doesn't want the best for their kid and it can be really really hurtful.