Search For slave In Quotes 118

In a typical history book black Americans are mentioned in the context of slavery or civil rights. There's so much more to the story.

Was it not enough punishment and suffering in history that we were uprooted and made helpless slaves not only in new colonial outposts but also domestically.

The slave may be happy but happiness is not enough.

A great fortune is a great slavery.

The American Dream coupled with government subsidies of utilities and cheap consumer goods courtesy of slave labour somewhere else has kept the poor huddled masses from rising up.

For in reason all government without the consent of the governed is the very definition of slavery.

Slave to no sect who takes no private road But looks through Nature up to Nature's God.

Create like a god command like a king work like a slave.

If Germany thanks to Hitler and his successors were to enslave the European nations and destroy most of the treasures of their past future historians would certainly pronounce that she had civilized Europe.

The danger of the past was that men became slaves. The danger of the future is that man may become robots.

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When I was very very young seven years old I heard there was school where you could go to learn to draw. That was my absolute driven passion to become an artist or a painter. So the romantic realist in me I studied to be a graphic design artist and an art teacher.