Search For separate In Quotes 109

Getting married for me was the best thing I ever did. I was suddenly beset with an immense sense of release that we have something more important than our separate selves and that is the marriage. There's immense happiness that can come from working towards that.

I think that the good and the great are only separated by the willingness to sacrifice.

This man used to go to school with his dog. Then they were separated. His dog graduated!

Do not separate text from historical background. If you do you will have perverted and subverted the Constitution which can only end in a distorted bastardized form of illegitimate government.

Among God's creatures two the dog and the guitar have taken all the sizes and all the shapes in order not to be separated from the man.

It's funny in a way the actor is a writer. It's not like the two things are so separate as to be like apples and oranges. The writer and the actor are one.

To me what separates a funny movie from a good movie is something personal.

I most sincerely wish that the world in which we live be free from the threat of a nuclear holocaust and from the ruinous arms race. It is my cherished desire that peace be not separated from freedom which is the right of every nation. This I desire and for this I pray.

You can't separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his freedom.

Only free men can negotiate prisoners cannot enter into contracts. Your freedom and mine cannot be separated.