Search For selfish In Quotes 82

Selfishness narcissism being uncomfortable in your own skin not feeling connected to the world around you feeling dislocated from family and youth having a strange relationship with your childhood - all those things feel really true to me.

Sure I have friends plenty of friends and they all come around wantin' to borrow money. I've always been generous with my friends and family with money but selfish with the important stuff like love.

I am confident that nobody... will accuse me of selfishness if I ask to spend time while I am still in good health with my family my friends and also with myself.

The great danger for family life in the midst of any society whose idols are pleasure comfort and independence lies in the fact that people close their hearts and become selfish.

It is not because the truth is too difficult to see that we make mistakes... we make mistakes because the easiest and most comfortable course for us is to seek insight where it accords with our emotions - especially selfish ones.

If efforts to do social work are couched in selfish motives then they will die a premature death. Why would my efforts get politicised? I have values I inherited from my father. He helped many. Anyone even a postman knocking on our door would get a glass of water and some sweets.

The only time I think about life beyond F1 is when I contemplate becoming a dad. But there's no way that's going to happen while I'm still racing. To be successful in F1 you need to be very selfish in lots of ways and you're away from home for long periods. That's not the kind of father I want to be.

As a father now I wouldn't do what my dad did because it left me feeling emotionally unstable as a kid. But he didn't do the things he did out of selfishness or malice.

I've never heard my dad say a bad word about anybody. He always keeps his emotions in check and is a true gentleman. I was taught that losing it was indulgent a selfish act.

I have written a memoir here and there and that takes its own form of selfishness and courage. However generally speaking I have no interest in writing about my own life or intruding in the privacy of those around me.