Search For ritual In Quotes 246

Two thousand years ago we lived in a world of Gods and Goddesses. Today we live in a world solely of Gods. Women in most cultures have been stripped of their spiritual power.

The term 'genre' eventually becomes pejorative because you're referring to something that's so codified and ritualised that it ceases to have the power and meaning it had when it first started.

Every time you don't follow your inner guidance you feel a loss of energy loss of power a sense of spiritual deadness.

We do not need more intellectual power we need more spiritual power. We do not need more of the things that are seen we need more of the things that are unseen.

I'm a very driven ambitious positive person. But I'm a spiritual person as well. I believe in creative visualization. So for me to go to America - which I find such a positive place - well I took to it like a duck to water.

Broadway is such a diverse community. Everybody knows how I believe and everyone believes and it's not a big deal. But in Hollywood if you talk about politics - especially if you're a Republican - or spirituality it's just not something people want to hear about.

I kept a steel wall around my moral and sexual instincts - protecting them I thought from the threats of the real world. This gave me a tremendous advantage in politics if not in my soul. The true me my spiritual core slipped further and further from reach.

I mean I went to a church school when I was younger and imbibed a certain amount of religion then but it was really in university that I got interested in religion and politics at the same time. I don't think as if it were one moment of conversion but my spiritual journey really began then.

Adherents of the new religious right reject the separation of politics and religion but they bring no spiritual insights to politics.

To rely upon conviction devotion and other excellent spiritual qualities that is not to be taken seriously in politics.