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I am very proud to come back to speak on the disinterested effort we have made and I believe that with all due respect that the decisions we made when we turned our final report over to President Johnson will stand in history.

All respect for the office of the presidency aside I assumed that the obvious and unadulterated decline of freedom and constitutional sovereignty not to mention the efforts to curb the power of judicial review spoke for itself.

When it comes to the president we have to respect him we have to protect him and we have to correct him. And in my career since he'd been on the national stage at least I've had - I've always respected the president.

This post of President is a Constitutional post. It is the duty of everyone all citizens to see that they respect the post... the institution of President.

You know I respect what Howard Dean has been able to do. It's good for our party. But I've got to tell you this: If money alone decided presidential nominations Phil Gramm would have been nominated in '96.

I have great respect for President Bush Secretary Powell and Secretary Ridge.

With respect to Barack Obama let's face it Barack Obama is an iconic figure in the African-American community. We respect that. We understand that. African-Americans are going to vote for the first black president especially when he happens to share the liberal politics on economic issues that many in that community hold.

My parents started a business out of the living room of our home and 30-plus years later it was a multimillion dollar company. So President Obama with all due respect don't tell me that my parents didn't build their business.

Listen I have a great affection and respect for Joe Biden. I think he's been a great vice president. He's taken on a lot of tough assignments for our administration.

I respect the president. He and I have a difference of opinion on how to help the country we both love. But the question each of us wants the voters to answer is who will be the better president not who is the better American.

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Almost no one is foolish enough to imagine that he automatically deserves great success in any field of activity yet almost everyone believes that he automatically deserves success in marriage.