Search For radical In Quotes 64

Not since the steam engine has any invention disrupted business models like the Internet. Whole industries including music distribution yellow-pages directories landline telephones and fax machines have been radically reordered by the digital revolution.

At this present time matter is still the best way to think of architecture but I'm not so sure for very long. The computer is radicalizing the way we think about our world.

We start 'The Butler' in June and that's incredibly exciting for me because I get to work with the amazing Forest Whitaker again. It's a phenomenal script and a great great role - I play his son. Oprah Winfrey is his wife and my mother. My character is a radical civil rights activist.

I think that clearly it has an influence to be coming of age during the punk rock era to come from a difficult and sporadically violent background to have been in and out of such chaos I think it actually helps. But I don't know for sure.