Search For protection In Quotes 70

I rely on guns for protection in life. God does not say 'This is la-la land.' God doesn't say 'Welcome to Earth. Everything's perfect. There's no crime. There's no murder. There's no death.' The world is imperfect and you have to be on guard.

I was extended secret service protection during my presidential run in 1984 when I received the most death threats ever made toward a candidate.

My dad works in child protection and he's spent many many years in that line of work.

Freedom is not an ideal it is not even a protection if it means nothing more than freedom to stagnate to live without dreams to have no greater aim than a second car and another television set.

The best protection any woman can have... is courage.

A woman's best protection is a little money of her own.

Enthusiasm is the best protection in any situation. Wholeheartedness is contagious. Give yourself if you wish to get others.

It is amazing to think after all that has happened in this country in the last few years the last few decades that so many people have this blind faith that government is our friend and therefore so we don't need protections against it.

Music has always been my protection against the world from a very young age. I feel safe inside of a jam.

Just as we reject racism sexism ageism and heterosexism we reject speciesism. The species of a sentient being is no more reason to deny the protection of this basic right than race sex age or sexual orientation is a reason to deny membership in the human moral community to other humans.

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Cotton Owens was leading and daddy was second. They came up on me and I moved over to let them pass. Cotton went on but daddy bumped me in the rear and my car went right into the wall.