Search For prosper In Quotes 114

The good things of prosperity are to be wished but the good things that belong to adversity are to be admired.

Apply yourself both now and in the next life. Without effort you cannot be prosperous. Though the land be good You cannot have an abundant crop without cultivation.

We can stand affliction better than we can prosperity for in prosperity we forget God.

It's God's will for you to live in prosperity instead of poverty. It's God's will for you to pay your bills and not be in debt.

The Nuclear Security Summit was President Obama's initiative born out of his vision to leave behind a safer more prosperous world for the future generation.

I see Turkey's future as being in Europe as one of many prosperous tolerant democratic countries.

The claim made by Team Obama that every dollar in stimulus translates into a dollar-and-a-half in growth is economic fiction. The costs of stimulus reduce future growth. No country has ever spent itself to prosperity. The price of stimulus has to be paid sometime.

That is now my mission: to provide a European vision of growth employment prosperity - in one word our future.

If you want a future of shared prosperity where the middle class is growing and poverty is declining where the American Dream is alive and well and where the United States remains the leading force for peace and prosperity in a highly competitive world you should vote for Barack Obama.

The foundation for future prosperity is built on the bedrock of good jobs and great schools. We are building a strong foundation one job at a time and one educated Texan at a time.