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I definitely gravitate towards quality genre projects and genre of any kind whether it's science fiction horror or really anything. I'm just drawn to quality. I don't think 'Darkness Falls' is horror there isn't any gore by any stretch of the imagination.

I always believe it's better to have 30 imaginations working on a project rather than one imagination telling the other 29 what to do.

I'm interested not just in projects that I'll be starring in but producing film and TV that's really quality and great for adults and when I say 'great for adults ' it doesn't mean without humor because I'm also interested in doing comedy.

What I hope in my ideal world is that with each project I'll either get to work with a really great script that would force me to grow or work with a really great actor who will make me better.

I hope people don't compare 2D and 3D because 3D's new it's unfair to compare to 2D which is really sophisticated even when we're jaded about it. 3D just began give it a chance let the equipment and projection system catch up and be better let the price go down let more filmmakers get a hold of it more easily.

When I go on the plane to fly home I'm literally capable of forgetting what I do for a job. That also comes about because I choose to take massive breaks between projects and because I choose to do this ridiculous thing of keeping home home.

I don't need to be asking for money for local museums and other projects just to make me look good back home.

You had to be aware that I saw that photography was a mere episode in the history of the optical projection and when the chemicals ended meaning the picture was fixed by chemicals we were in a new era.

Recent demonstration projects have shown that with some Federal support a little funding can go a long way toward ensuring that low-income children have access to good oral health care.

I am actually in poor health due to chronic fatigue and immune dysfunction syndrome and my ability to work is greatly diminished right now so I have to get better before I can start another big project.

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I went whole hog at the actor's lifestyle - really embraced it. I had by then known how much I loved acting already because I discovered acting from a teacher in the seminary - that's the first place I ever did it in the seminary.