Search For noble In Quotes 99

What a piece of work is a man how noble in reason how infinite in faculties in form and moving how express and admirable in action how like an angel in apprehension how like a god.

There are few things in politics more annoying than the Right's utter conviction that it owns the patent on the word 'freedom' that when its leaders stand up for the rights of banks to be unregulated or capital gains to be untaxed that it is actually and obviously standing up for human liberty the noblest cause of them all.

Wine and cheese are ageless companions like aspirin and aches or June and moon or good people and noble ventures.

It is better by noble boldness to run the risk of being subject to half the evils we anticipate than to remain in cowardly listlessness for fear of what might happen.

I think that's become passe but if you can surround yourself with a kind of monument to yourself and your family - a statement - and you can afford it then that's a noble project.

Sometimes a noble failure serves the world as faithfully as a distinguished success.

I've always embraced failure as a noble pursuit. It allows you to be anti whatever anyone wants you to be and to break all the rules.

You may count on Mexico's support since your commitment to the noblest causes of mankind and your vast experience are and will be invaluable in enabling us together to achieve a better world.

America is an idea. And it's the solemn responsibility of each 'temporary' president to protect and nurture that noblest of all ideas - with integrity. This man Mitt Romney has shown - not through his experience but through his actions and words - that he is unqualified to carry out that responsibility.

By three methods we may learn wisdom: First by reflection which is noblest Second by imitation which is easiest and third by experience which is the bitterest.

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From a parent's right to know what their children are doing to protecting citizens across the country from the growing threat of gang violence the House Democrat leadership is simply out to lunch.