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I suppose I look for humor in most situations because it humanizes things it makes a character much more three-dimensional if there's some kind of humor. Not necessarily laugh-out-loud type of stuff just a sense that there is a humorous edge to things. I do like that.

It is in vain to hope to please all alike. Let a man stand with his face in what direction he will he must necessarily turn his back on one half of the world.

You know in my hometown of Hope Arkansas the three sacred heroes were Jesus Elvis and FDR not necessarily in that order.

Good news doesn't necessarily have to be a positive thing. Bringing good news is imparting hope to one's fellow man.

The media tried to destroy my parents and has taken things completely out of context but there's not a whole lot you can do in terms of fighting back. You have to hope that it passes which it always does. But they have to be careful. They didn't necessarily sign up for this.

So I'm more at home with my backpack sleeping in a hotel room or on a bus or on an airplane than I am necessarily on a bed. It's weird being here. It feels like I'm standing next to my real life.

Too many of my constituents like many other hard working Americans across the country are suffering unnecessarily due to our flawed health care system.

I don't know if there is a Democrat who necessarily doesn't believe health care is a right instead of privilege. There is a significant between us and the Republican Party on that issue.

Money is not necessarily although it helps a lot for happiness it's not necessarily the best way to be happy to be rich you know.

I don't think that sin and pursuing happiness are not necessarily the same thing.