Search For manage In Quotes 226

Androgyny is not trying to manage the relationship between the opposites it is simply flowing between them.

What I would say about Barney Eastwood is that when our relationship worked it worked extremely well. He had a lot of strengths as a promoter and a manager.

Corporations invest in sophisticated CRM or Customer Relationship Management programs to effectively oversee their relationship with their customers at every point during the buying process.

Oh the relationship with actors and managers and agents and things is a terrible problem sometimes.

If my career continues along its current arc people will probably look at me and see a writer who is obsessed with the relationship between rich and poor and with how the rich somehow or other always manage to betray the poor even when they don't mean to.

The relationship between talent and management is uneasy at best.

Washington State has a strong tradition of a positive relationship - positive working relationship between labor and management whether in the private sector or the public sector. It needs to continue to be that way.

We manage to bounce ideas off one another. Every band fights but at the end of the day we're very positive about the way we fight. At least we come out with a result.

For a manager to be perceived as a positive manager they need a four to one positive to negative contact ratio.

The lesson of the last year is this: foreign policy can't be managed through the politics of personality and our President would do well to take note of an observation John F. Kennedy made once he was in office - that all of the world's problems aren't his predecessor's fault.