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I had an acting coach while I was doing the show and every week I could see my work improving. I really liked working on the show because I was learning new things every day.

My father had never watched tennis never liked tennis too much. He said 'OK we buy a racket we watch together ' because we didn't know anything. It was a process of learning together that made it more interesting.

Effective leadership is not about making speeches or being liked leadership is defined by results not attributes.

I have always liked the idea of going to print because a big part of what we are about is to disseminate knowledge throughout the world and not just to people who have broadband.

I grew up in a bookless house - my parents didn't read poetry so if I hadn't had the chance to experience it at school I'd never have experienced it. But I loved English and I was very lucky in that I had inspirational English teachers Miss Scriven and Mr. Walker and they liked us to learn poems by heart which I found I loved doing.

Democratic politicians have disliked things I've written Republican politicians... if they all love you you might as well be driving a Good Humor truck.

I liked the premise of this material. I love the marriage relationship. They kind of keep each other honest and they enjoy each other's sense of humor. Kind of a sexy but boring relationship.

I liked the humor of it I've always enjoyed a sense of humor in God and in religion and in spirituality.

I genuinely liked all of the cast members very much. Steve had a wicked sense of humor. I remember Russell coming to my rescue once. I watched Eric evolve before everyone's eyes. Maurice loved what he did so. He treated his character with respect down to the costuming.

The polls indicated that I was feisty that I was tough that I had a sense of humor but they weren't quite sure if they liked me and they didn't know whether or not that I was sensitive.

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Now if you're Al Gore you can afford $10 a pop for squiggly-pig-tailed fluorescent light bulbs. But if you're mainstream America two or three kids mom and dad working outside the home that's not a very good deal.