Search For league In Quotes 74

I can't remember a major league game where I could make eye contact with my dad. I kept wondering if he was going to yell at me for hanging a pitch or something.

I grew up with baseball I played in Little League and went to games with my dad. But I as I grew up became more of a basketball fanatic than a baseball one.

We the people. Manifest Destiny. Conceived in liberty. Fear itself. Ask not. Morning in America. United we stand. Yes we can. In times of great change and tumult presidents seek to inspire beleaguered Americans by reminding them of their national identity.

The biggest thrill a ballplayer can have is when your son takes after you. That happened when my Bobby was in his championship Little League game. He really showed me something. Struck out three times. Made an error that lost the game. Parents were throwing things at our car and swearing at us as we drove off. Gosh I was proud.

Anybody who really knows about the TV business knows that it would be impossible to just march in one day and say to your colleagues and bosses 'Oh yes I'm hosting my own show.'

Some people work hard in this business and become really popular really big stars but they never receive an award from within the business. Somehow when your colleagues and friends believe in you to the point of handing you an award it means so much more.

If I don't make the team out of spring training I'll keep a good attitude. I'll just go polish up the parts of my game that made me not stay in the big leagues.

The money is in a different league these days of course but I have special memories of the 60s and 70s which players today don't have. There wasn't the same celebrity attitude and media exposure. We had a bit more freedom.

My attitude toward graduate students was different I must say. I used graduate students as colleagues: I gave them the best problems to work on and I encouraged them.

Montana and I had a chemistry that was unbelievable. When I first came into the league he told me I added five years to his career and I just think we complimented each other very well and were able to do some amazing things out on the football field.

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The first time that you escape from home or the small town that you live in - there's a reason a small town is called a small town: It's because not many people want to live there.