Search For hopeful In Quotes 104

On Sundays when I speak I hopefully give somebody something that they can use the next day at work or at home.

I am hopeful for the American people that we can actually improve the outlook for bringing down costs in health care.

I enjoy being happy every day and hopefully you can hear my happiness in my music. Life is beautiful.

Pretty much at all times music motivates me. How can I say this without sounding in any way proud of myself? Obviously I've always written songs that are critical of our government and talk about our times. Hopefully you attempt to be timeless while doing it.

I'm most proud of the blessings that God has bestowed upon me in my life. He's given me the vision to truly see that you can fall down but you can still get back up. Hopefully I'll learn from my mistakes and have the opportunity to strengthen and improve the next thing I do.

There's a wealth of literature out there which hopefully will be you know exploded in the future and I personally find it very rewarding to be involved with classic storytelling and sort of legendary characters.

I really hope that we'll have a sustainable future on this planet I really do. So I probably geek out mostly about learning more about how potentially we can hopefully make that happen hopefully we're not too far lost.

Life is hopefully long so I don't know what the future will bring.

Kids feel so strongly about what's going on today and what's happening to the world and that's very inspiring. I feel more hopeful than ever before about the future.

So someday in the near future hopefully rather than having a foot or a leg amputated we'll just give you an injection of the cells and restore the blood flow. We've also created entire tubes of red blood cells from scratch in the laboratory. So there are a lot of exciting things in the pipeline.