Search For grows In Quotes 87

I think that every child grows up with the ideas that what we are given is our society. Your education and your mother and father they tell you this is how it is but then you hit adolescence and you think 'Is it? Why? Why is it like that?' Sometimes that questioning leads to something more.

Learning is a result of listening which in turn leads to even better listening and attentiveness to the other person. In other words to learn from the child we must have empathy and empathy grows as we learn.

I always wanted to be a Californian. In my wildest dreams I always liked California - it's the place where oranges grows on trees! Fruit just falls off the trees.

Death comes to all but great achievements build a monument which shall endure until the sun grows cold.

Courage is sometimes frail as hope is frail: a fragile shoot between two stones that grows brave toward the sun though warmth and brightness fail striving and faith the only strength it knows.

Courage that grows from constitution often forsakes a man when he has occasion for it courage which arises from a sense of duty acts in a uniform manner.

The desire to write grows with writing.

Dreams are the seeds of change. Nothing ever grows without a seed and nothing ever changes without a dream.

As life runs on the road grows strange with faces new - and near the end. The milestones into headstones change Neath every one a friend.

A sculptor wields The chisel and the stricken marble grows To beauty.