Search For french In Quotes 83

I want the French people to respect values that allow each individual to practice his or her faith but in the frame of our common rules of secularism.

Feudal societies don't create great cinema we have great theatre. The egalitarian societies create great cinema. The Americans the French. Because equality is sort of what the cinema deals with. It deals with stories which don't fall into 'Everybody in their place and who's who ' and all that. But the theatre's full of that.

You know in 1975 I couldn't get a job in New York City because I was American. The kitchens were predominantly run by French Swiss German and basically I got laughed at. I had education I had experience but got laughed at because I was American.

In New York I pretty much live in diners - I order French Fries Diet Coke floats and lots of coffee.

I like food too much to go on some crazy diet. French fries are my favorite downfall.

French fries. I love them. Some people are chocolate and sweets people. I love French fries. That and caviar.

We used to be referred to as bakers and then we became known as cake decorators and now we are known as cake designers. I teach at the French Culinary Institute in New York and cake design is a legitimate profession.

French design hardly exists except as artificial modernism.

My dad's an architect and my mom owned a French bakery for twelve years.

Honestly I'm cool with everyone and people pick up on that. I'd say 'I'm not gay but it's all good.' It's kind of like going to Paris when you don't know the language some Americans get into trouble over there but I'm just like 'Sorry I don't speak French.'