Search For forgiven In Quotes 135

Murder is unique in that it abolishes the party it injures so that society has to take the place of the victim and on his behalf demand atonement or grant forgiveness it is the one crime in which society has a direct interest.

We think that forgiveness is weakness but it's absolutely not it takes a very strong person to forgive.

I have to ask Allah's forgiveness and not get angry because they come to me out of love and it's not fitting that I should turn to them in hatred.

Forgiveness is about empowering yourself rather than empowering your past.

Before Nelson Mandela was arrested in 1962 he was an angry relatively young man. He founded the ANC's military wing. When he was released he surprised everyone because he was talking about reconciliation and forgiveness and not about revenge.

I believe in the forgiveness of sin and the redemption of ignorance.

The first step in forgiveness is the willingness to forgive.

Because forgiveness is like this: a room can be dank because you have closed the windows you've closed the curtains. But the sun is shining outside and the air is fresh outside. In order to get that fresh air you have to get up and open the window and draw the curtains apart.

If only I wasn't an atheist I could get away with anything. You'd just ask for forgiveness and then you'd be forgiven. It sounds much better than having to live with guilt.

Without forgiveness life is governed by... an endless cycle of resentment and retaliation.