Search For fitness In Quotes 102

Fitness is not an option. It's part of my job.

Oh and once when I was in the Marines I got a perfect score on my physical fitness test.

Our children are obese either have or being threatened by diabetes high blood pressure high cholesterol and not socially adjusting properly to others because of a lack of fitness.

A life coach does for the rest of your life what a personal trainer does for your health and fitness.

Teaching kids about health and fitness is important to me. It's about being fit for life.

I can jog but I can't run. That's hard for me. I like the fact that I can jog for fitness but to me there's a huge difference between jogging and running.

Fitness is a luxury when you are busy!

I'm doing four hours of gymnastics training a day six days a week and then an extra two to three hours in a fitness center as well.

I suffer panic attacks which has made me really conscious about my fitness and I have become addicted to jogging. It might sound odd but a lot of good has come out of it. My fans send letters saying they have taken up jogging because I do it.

I think fitness is important. I think a healthy lifestyle is important. I think putting positive energy out there is important and just staying connected with the people.