Search For fathers In Quotes 86

Let us keep the dance of rain our fathers kept and tread our dreams beneath the jungle sky.

Our fathers had their dreams we have ours the generation that follows will have its own. Without dreams and phantoms man cannot exist.

Not only the priceless heritage of our fathers of our seamen of our Empire builders is being thrown away in a war that serves no British interests - but our alliance leader Stalin dreams of nothing but the destruction of that heritage of our fathers?

It's funny though speaking of fathers and sons because me and John Goodman played father and son like five or six years ago in the film 'Death Sentence ' and I got back with him again in 'Inside Llewyn Davis.'

Some musicians I know are incredible fathers. Like Keith Richards. A fantastic dad.

Rich men's sons are seldom rich men's fathers.

Fathers in today's modern families can be so many things.

Employee fathers need to step up to the plate and put their family needs on the table.

What harsh judges fathers are to all young men!

There is too much fathering going on just now and there is no doubt about it fathers are depressing.