Search For extent In Quotes 83

To a certain extent I am taking a leap of faith. I'm adding up the evidence on either side and I'm seeing the evidence of there not being a God is overwhelming compared to the evidence for there being a God.

Whoever sets any bounds for the reconstructive power of the religious life over the social relations and institutions of men to that extent denies the faith of the Master.

Faith in a holy cause is to a considerable extent a substitute for lost faith in ourselves.

You want to do something that shows some type individuality and talent and imagination - at the same time you want to be truthful to the predecessors because obviously the audience liked something about them and you have to replicate that experience to a certain extent.

It is a strange fact that freedom and equality the two basic ideas of democracy are to some extent contradictory. Logically considered freedom and equality are mutually exclusive just as society and the individual are mutually exclusive.

My children to the extent that they have found religion have found it from me in that I insist on at least a modicum of religious education for them.

To the extent that we are all educated and informed we will be more equipped to deal with the gut issues that tend to divide us.

I think by planning an exercise regime your diet follows to some extent.

To some extent I liken slavery to death.

Sep-11 2001 revealed heroism in ordinary people who might have gone through their lives never called upon to demonstrate the extent of their courage.