Search For expectations In Quotes 66

I believe every chess player senses beauty when he succeeds in creating situations which contradict the expectations and the rules and he succeeds in mastering this situation.

Films for TV have to be much closer to the book mainly because the objective with a TV movie that translates literature is to get the audience after seeing this version to pick up the book and read it themselves. My attitude is that TV can never really be any form of art because it serves audience expectations.

It's art that pushes against psychological and social expectations that tries to transform decay into something generative that is replicative in a baroque way that isn't about progress and wants to - as Walt Whitman put it - 'contain multitudes.'

You never choose the way that you're raised it's just the way that you were raised but you do get to a certain age where you're in a position to question the expectations of you and the way that you've been formed by your surroundings.

High expectations weren't nurtured in my neck of nowhere back then - children weren't fawned over from an early age as 'gifted' and groomed for a prizewinning future self-esteem was considered something you had to pick from the garden yourself.

Non-disclosure in the Internet Age is quickly perceived as a breach of trust. Government corporations and each of us as individuals must recalibrate how we live and share our lives appropriate to the information now available and the expectations of others.