Search For everyday In Quotes 99

I don't come from a famous family and don't have this detachment from everyday people and everyday life. I'm just doing my job and the attention that comes with it is part of the territory.

I would like to prove that on TV everyday lives can be as compelling as the life-styles of the rich and famous. Especially lives that we catch at extraordinary moments.

I think there are a lot of people who really want to be famous they really do. I don't. It sort of gets in the way of the everyday things that I do.

A family is a place where principles are hammered and honed on the anvil of everyday living.

Put your nose into the Bible everyday. It is your spiritual food. And then share it. Make a vow not to be a lukewarm Christian.

The plain man is familiar with blindness and deafness and knows from his everyday experience that the look of things is influenced by his senses but it never occurs to him to regard the whole world as the creation of his senses.

To me the job of the artist is to provide a useful and intelligent vocabulary for the world to be able to articulate feelings they experience everyday and otherwise wouldn't have the means to express in a meaningful and useful way.

As for the forces electromagnetism and gravity we experience in everyday life. But the weak and strong forces are beyond our ordinary experience. So in physics lots of the basic building blocks take 20th- or perhaps 21st-century equipment to explore.

In order to experience everyday spirituality we need to remember that we are spiritual beings spending some time in a human body.

Having achieved my own dreams I want to give to kids who are less fortunate who struggle with everyday obstacles. I want to give them something positive in their lives: support.

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Minimalism seems closest to the sophisticated storytelling of movies. Movies have really educated contemporary audiences to be the most intelligent sophisticated audiences in history. We don't any longer need to have the relationship between one scene and the next explained. We will figure it out ourselves.