Search For eventually In Quotes 84

For more than 200 years materialists have promised that science will eventually explain everything in terms of physics and chemistry. Believers are sustained by the faith that scientific discoveries will justify their beliefs.

An investigator starts research in a new field with faith a foggy idea and a few wild experiments. Eventually the interplay of negative and positive results guides the work. By the time the research is completed he or she knows how it should have been started and conducted.

I eventually became proud of my strikeouts because each one represented another learning experience.

Experience has taught me how important it is to just keep going focusing on running fast and relaxed. Eventually it passes and the flow returns. It's part of racing.

My background was computer science and business school so eventually I worked my way up where I was running product groups - development testing marketing user education.

Giving women education work the ability to control their own income inherit and own property benefits the society. If a woman is empowered her children and her family will be better off. If families prosper the village prospers and eventually so does the whole country.

At first dreams seem impossible then improbable and eventually inevitable.

Sticking to a diet required me to have a permanently low self-esteem. But happily I developed other skills beyond a fluctuating weight eventually building up a different source of self-worth.

I have had this view of the optimization of the electrode design for a long time. Historically we went through various phases in the work and eventually worked on large sheets - very large sheets - of palladium.

When you think about it the end of the world is a little bit like death: We all know it's going to come eventually and as we get older we feel we see the signs more and more distinctly.

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How do you live with evil? Art is traditionally - certainly with my secular background - the answer but art is very self-referential whereas religion claims to go beyond the bounds of human existence.