Search For entirely In Quotes 85

To me the kitchen is a place of adventure and entirely fun not drudgery. I can't think of anything better to do with family and friends than to be together to create something.

Leave the matter of religion to the family altar the church and the private school supported entirely by private contributions. Keep the church and state forever separate.

I think church and state should remain entirely separate at all costs and that the decision of religious marriage should be of each faith to debate and decide free of political influence.

Our ministry is supported entirely by faith through the missions gifts of readers who receive my messages every three weeks. We seldom mention money and we never burden supporters.

I have been blessed in many ways and one of those is to have been born in Africa for me a great treasure house of stories. I have been researching it since my infancy reading about it talking to men and women who have spent their lives in this land living it as I have and loving it as I do. I write almost entirely from my own experience.

If you believe your catcher is intelligent and you know that he has considerable experience it is a good thing to leave the game almost entirely in his hands.

I think I can make an entirely new game experience and if I can't do it some other game designer will.

I am entirely certain that twenty years from now we will look back at education as it is practiced in most schools today and wonder that we could have tolerated anything so primitive.

They should hold themselves absolutely upon the immovable foundation of truth and nature whereby alone they can save themselves from misapprehensions and from the danger of being entirely carried away from reality into mere dreams and fictions.

Our pets rely on us entirely for their nutrition. So if you're making your own judgments that could lead to a mistake. At the same time we have more control over our pet's diet than we do with our children or with ourselves so your vet can tell you what is appropriate for your dog and you can assign them that.