Search For entertain In Quotes 175

I don't know any form of art or entertainment that can affect people the way movies can. I know it sounds ridiculous but they can change your world. They can change your views.

I got into film-making because I was interested in making entertaining movies which I felt there was a lack of.

Listen I think movies serve many different purposes from those movies that are frivolous and just an entertainment to movies that just go to exploring the complexities of the human soul. Everything is valid if it's done with honesty and dignity and I actually do both of those types of movies in my career.

And being as I'm somebody who loves movies like The Machinist I also love going along to big mass entertainment movies. I get in the mood for all kinds of movies and so I like to try each of them.

Movies were never an art form they were entertainment. It just evolved into an art form from there and it's still evolving in different ways.

Movies can and do have tremendous influence in shaping young lives in the realm of entertainment towards the ideals and objectives of normal adulthood.

The reporting I did was mostly entertainment or lifestyle. I took a very different approach than most reporters. I approached it more casually than you would think a reporter would. Now I'm a morning radio personality and radio is really casual.

Any fool can make enough money to survive. It's another thing to keep yourself consistently entertained. It's a lot of work and a lot of fun to make a life.

I still think of that guy I was without a wife or kids and I still want to entertain that guy. The lonely guy the frustrated guy the guy with no money - this is the guy who needs to laugh.

I used to do skits for my mom... and I was always entertaining as a kid.