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Sports is the only entertainment where no matter how many times you go back you never know the ending.

I know I could be the host of 'SportsCenter' in two years if I changed my show today to sports.

Sports without music is just a game. Music makes it entertaining.

There's a whole lot more to the African-American community than entertainment and sports.

Don't let anyone turn you into a slave. You're a slave if you let the media tell you that sports and entertainment are more important than developing your brain.

Sports and entertainment are the only places where inner-city kids see themselves being able to succeed. Their intellectual development is something they don't relate to.

The only thing of value I have in this life is my ability to tell a story whether in print orating writing it down or having people acting it out. That's why I'm always hoping society never collapses because the first ones to go will be entertainers.

Before a group can enter the open society it must first close ranks.

Yes all fundamentalists feel that in a secular society God has been relegated to the margin to the periphery and they are all in different ways seeking to drag him out of that peripheral position back to center stage.

Whether you think a film will affect society or it's plain entertainment it's all excellent it's all noble.