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We have an incredible warrior class in this country - people in law enforcement intelligence - and I thank God every night we have them standing fast to protect us from the tremendous amount of evil that exists in the world.

We are the miracle of force and matter making itself over into imagination and will. Incredible. The Life Force experimenting with forms. You for one. Me for another. The Universe has shouted itself alive. We are one of the shouts.

Humor can be an incredible lacerating and effective weapon. And that is the way I use it.

Humor can be an incredible lacerating and effective weapon.

I've had some incredible moments in my life - thus far. I hope a lot more are coming.

But then there are magical beautiful things in the world. There's incredible acts of kindness and bravery and in the most unlikely places and it gives you hope.

My free time at home is usually spent emailing listening to music reading and talking on the phone. I wish I was on the phone less but I have been fortunate to stay in touch with so many incredible friends.

When you do take the home pregnancy test it doesn't quite seem real. But when you see the baby and the heartbeat on the ultrasound it's so incredible.

Say there's a white kid who lives in a nice home goes to an all-white school and is pretty much having everything handed to him on a platter - for him to pick up a rap tape is incredible to me because what that's saying is that he's living a fantasy life of rebellion.

It's incredible to have been part of fashion history - my whole career has been one big highlight.